
11 Jul
SOUND Pitch & Buzz #5

Join us, when the world’s only dedicated soundtech accelerator celebrates its next 5 startups having completed the program. TAZAAR (UK) – Innovative digital product passports extending the life and value of audio products Musajjel (JO) – AI-powered one-stop app simplifying the entire podcast production process Freqport (AU/DK) – Transforms outboard audio gear into powerful computer […]

Past events

26 Jun
Kickstart your Cybersecurity designs

With a ransomware attack launched every 11 seconds, Cybersecurity is more important than ever. Over the next 36 months, when the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) enters into force, Cybersecurity becomes a legal requirement for all new products within the EU. This hands-on workshop with NXP and Arrow will give your soft- and firmware developers a head-start! […]

26 Jan
with Scan-Speak’s
‘Ellipticor A50’

Come and meet our partner Scan-Speak for a sound experience out of the ordinary. Through a set of Ellipticor A50 speakers, you will experience natural clarity, precision and details like never before. The speakers Ellipticor A50 are made as a demo platform for Scan-Speak’s latest product series Ellipticor, which is special in having elliptical voice […]

07 Sep
SOUND Pitch & Buzz #4

Join us, when the world’s first dedicated soundtech accelerator introduces its next seven startups having completed the program. These international talented companies have been through a 5 months journey to sharp their business models and value propositions, while gaining a deeper understanding of their customers and go-to-market strategies. To celebrate this milestone, we invite you […]

24 Apr
The Danish Science Festival 2023

During this year’s Danish Science Festival (Forskningens Døgn) we have together with other organisations in Struer, the City of Sound, decided to organise several inspirational events. All with a focus on highlighting the interrelation between Sound & Health in solving social challenges. Sound Hub Denmark has invited researchers from Aalborg University (AAU) and the University […]

21 Apr
Forskningens Døgn | Personlige lydzoner – kontrol af ønsket og uønsket lyd

ISOBEL-projektet udvikler et interaktivt lydzonesystem, der gør det muligt at skabe flere personlige lydoplevelser i samme rum. Teknologien testes på hospitaler og i private hjem. Her giver lydzoner nye muligheder for at understøtte forskellige behov og præferencer i det eksisterende lydmiljø – og reducerer negative følgevirkninger ved uønsket lyd. Under dette foredrag vil Kasper Fangel […]

06 Dec
Exploring the next generation of sound features

We are pleased to introduce to our audience our guests: GreenWaves Technologies, a community member of our hub, and their software partner SEGOTIA. During this webinar Martin Croome, VP of Marketing at GreenWaves Technologies and Culann mac Cabe, CEO of SEGOTIA will tell us about the new audio product features enabled by the fusion of […]

23 Nov

Short time to market is crucial for a successful launch. The needs for more frequent update cycles require shorter development cycles. New ways of reducing time from idea to finished product is therefore in high demand. Learn how to reduce the number of physical prototypes, when we invite in for Virtual Prototyping seminar together with […]

24 Oct
TEDx Talks on Sound

TEDxSoundHubDenmark – independently organized events. Thought leaders and inspirators from research to entrepreneurship have been selected for TEDx Sound Talks organised by Sound Hub Denmark. Read more and sign-up via this link.

18 Aug
MAPU PRETO & MAPU SOENGA speaker launch

Impressive artwork, environmental credentials and social impact are just some of the words defining the world’s first active speakers made of clay and other low-impact materials. Meet the founders behind Mapu Speakers presenting the heritage-led-innovation behind their new line of speakers; the MAPU PRETO & MAPU SOENGA series, when we host their launching event with exclusive […]

29 Jun
Neckphone – The launch
of a successful crowdfunding campaign

Get invaluable advice directly from Enoc Armengol from Circulr Sound, who will share do and don’ts based on his crowdfunding knowledge and specific learning from launching products within the sound domain. Topics like content elements, preparation, marketing spend, market fit, investment planning and knowledge about the community of backers will be openly shared, when Enoc […]

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