Join our Startup Community

Got ambitions for your startup? Let us help

Kick-start, grow and realize your ambitions at the world’s first sound tech and innovation hub.
Enjoy the time to focus. Join our Startup Community today!

Cowork alongside other sound professionals. Develop your product at our world-class facilities. Consult industry-leading sound specialists. Get inspired by other sound professionals. Gain unconditional 1:1 start-up assistance or relevant help from the nearby Craft Cluster. Pitch towards relevant investors – and so much more.

Inspired to join? Let’s get in touch – or apply for one of our programs:

One size fits all?

We don’t believe in that. Whether you are a single entrepreneur who just designed your prototype or a startup with multiple employees already selling a product there is a place for you at Sound Hub.


Let's tailor an offer
for YOU

We’d love to start a conversation on how we can be of value to you by tailoring an offer specifically for YOUR BUSINESS.
Contact us here.

Happy to reserve a desk or time slot at our facilities already today. You are also welcome to start by requesting our brochure and hereby by signed up to our monthly newsletter.

Did you know..

Free desks & meeting rooms 
New startups at Sound Hub can qualify for free desks, meeting rooms and relevant services for the first 6 months of residency. Reach out to find out, if this could be you.
Individual 1:1 meetings and support 
The Sound Hub team, coworkers, partners and network are available for individual guidance and support on sound relevant topics; as well as business plans, forming the right team, founding a legal business unit, funding applications, finding the right collaborations partners and other 1:1 matchmakings.
Specialist review & introductions 
We might call in a specialist review board from Bang & Olufsen, Harman, GN Audio (Jabra), Scan-Speak or other partners. Introductions are also offered to other partners outside the sound industry for assistance on e.g. design, concept, product development, production and/or on sales.
Specialist review & introductions
Free access to world class test & evaluation facilities 
Free access to Makerspace facilities offered. In addition specialists and sound professionals will be available to assist you in tests and evaluations.
Voucher for 10 hours of consultancy  
All newly registered CVRs at our hub are offered start-up help. Get free hours of professional consulting within e.g. accounting, legislation, sales strategy, marketing, SoMe execution, quality or reliability services. Tell us your needs, then we'll find the right match to the business scaling you aim for.
Invitations for learning events or pitches 
Tailored workshops and events are arranged with inspiring key note speakers on concept creation, listening tests, electronic supplies, design for manufacturing and business models. These and pitch events are all arranged specifically for you and the coworkers in our startup community.
Interested in knowing more?

Get knowledge from alumni innovators on the impact of our sound tailored offers.
How have Sound Hub and partners improved their business? – and what’s the benefits of potentially relocating to Sound Hub Denmark for a shorter or longer period?

Ask one of our alumni directly.

Join and get access to

Coworking Space

Network and work with sound and audio professionals from startups, SMEs and corporates, students and researchers. Stimulate your sound innovation in a collaborative environment. Pitch your business for investors.

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Build your concept, prototype or product in our workshops, acquire supplementary skills from the the nearby complementary craft cluster and test and evaluate in the unique test facilities together with leading specialists.

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Learning Space

Gain knowledge from co-workers, industry professionals, specialists and researchers. Enter mentor relations and upgrade your skills through training, seminars, courses, master classes and events. Business startup training is offered.

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Join us 
Whether you are a single entrepreneur who just defined your concept idea or a startup with multiple employees already selling a product there is a place for you at Sound Hub.
We love to talk!

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