December 6th, 2022, 3-4:15 PM CET
Exploring the next generation of sound features
Presented by GreenWaves Technologies and Segotia
hosted by Sound Hub Denmark
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Exploring the next generation of sound features
We are pleased to introduce to our audience our guests: GreenWaves Technologies, a community member of our hub, and their software partner SEGOTIA.
During this webinar Martin Croome, VP of Marketing at GreenWaves Technologies and Culann mac Cabe, CEO of SEGOTIA will tell us about the new audio product features enabled by the fusion of classic signal processing and AI. You will explore how new sensors such as EEG can be integrated into audio products with the latest AI-capable processors.
GreenWaves Technologies is a fabless semiconductor company founded in 2014 and based in Grenoble, France. GreenWaves designs and markets ultra low power processors for energy-constrained products such as hearables, wearables, IoT & medical monitoring products.
SEGOTIA is headquartered in Galway City, Ireland. SEGOTIA fuses Scientific Research, Neurotechnology and Audio Signal Processing to create powerful User Experiences.
Join in on-line by using below Teams link.
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2:55 PM
Check-in of on-line guests via Teams link
3 PM
Welcome by Rie Pripsø, CCO of Sound Hub Denmark and
Martin Croome, VP of Marketing at GreenWaves Technologies
3 PM - 4 PM
Exploring the next generation of sound features
4 PM - 4:15 PM
Sum up incl. Q&As
An on-line event for audio product developers and manufacturers
Sign up below.
No sign-up fee applied.
Automatic registration in Sound Hub Denmark database upon sign-up and shared with GreenWaves Technologies