Sound Studios

Tests & trials in world-class sound studios
Ever dreamed about access to top-of-the-world acoustic facilities and other acoustic environments to test the quality of products and services used for recording, mixing, editing, mastering or production?
Look no longer, as we now open up for access to four Sound Studios at our campus in collaboration with Sound Art Lab.

The sound studio’s acoustical qualities
- Built to exacting standards including reverberation time, background noise and sound transmission between each studio
- Insulated from the rest of the building and the outside
- Uses double walls, soundproof doors, and windows with soundproof glazing of the highest standard
- Walls covered with upcycled waste wood and felt panels in an arrangement specifically designed for their acoustic properties
- Acoustic damping ‘bass traps’ behind wooden slats and black Molton cloth for control of very low-frequency reverberation time
- Suspended ceiling of acoustic tiles for additional damping
Reach out if you want access to speed up your development process and time to market!

Additional offers in each of the four studios
- High-speed wired and Wi-Fi internet
- Interconnectivity between two studios by analogue, digital, Ethernet and BNC signal lines
- With windows, welcoming daylight for a healthy work environment
- Heavy white drapes in front of windows to soften incoming sunlight and remove the glass surface from the acoustics of the room if desired
- Equipped with a range of modern equipment e.g. speakers, microphones, and workstations (upon separate agreements)
… and placed just next door to our international Coworking Space.
Studio 1
Studio 1 is designed with flexibility in mind, so it can be used for recording instruments or mixing on larger surround systems of the artists / developers' choice. The studio has variable acoustics with reverberation times between 0.2 and 0.3 seconds by opening or closing the drapes in front of the walls and windows. The background noise level in all studios is below NR10.
Studio 1
Studio 2, 3 & 4
The studios have reverberation times of approximately 0.2 seconds. Studio 2 and 3 are identical (a mirror image of each other) and are each equipped with a 5.1 surround loudspeaker system. Studio 4 has a stereo monitor system (2.2). The background noise level in all studios is below NR10.
Studio 2, 3 & 4
Collaboration partners
The materials used are made of upcycled waste wood from the furniture industry offered
Acoustical design and measurements of absorption data performed according to DS/ISO standards in our reverberation chamber
by PC Sound & Acoustics
The studios are a part of an artist-in-residency offer from Sound Art Lab.
Acoustical design and measurements of absorption data performed according to DS/ISO standards in our reverberation chamber
by PC Sound & Acoustics
The studios are a part of an artist-in-residency offer from Sound Art Lab.
Get in touch
Are you interested in joining Sound Hub and making use of our lab and test facilities